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Feliway Classic 30 day Refill comforts cats, helps solve behavioural issues, 48ml & Classic 20ml Spray, comforts cats and helps solve behavioural issues and stress in the home and on the move – 20ml

Original price was: £37.44.Current price is: £31.20.

  • Product 1: The No1 clinically proven cat behaviorual product. Backed by over 25 years of science & research into pet welfare
  • Product 1: Contains the ‘feline facial’ pheromone. A natural pheromone a cat releases when they rub up against something to mark an area as safe and secure.
  • Product 1: SCENTLESS and Species specific – no effect on humans or other pets
  • Product 1: Scientifically proven, studies to support all claims
  • Product 2: The No1 clinically proven cat behaviorual product. Backed by over 25 years of science & research into pet welfare
  • Product 2: Contains the ‘feline facial’ pheromone. A natural pheromone a cat releases when they rub up against something to mark an area as safe and secure.
  • Product 2: SCENTLESS and Species specific – no effect on humans or other pets
  • Product 2: Scientifically proven, studies to support all claims

FELIWAY Classic 30 day Refill comforts cats, helps solve behavioural issues and stress/anxiety in the home – 48ml FELIWAY CLassic Refill is the 30 day replacement for your FELIWAY Classic diffuser. Ensuring your FELIWAY Classic diffuser is plugged in at all times ensures that your cat is provided with the safe and secure messages that FELIWAY Classic provides at all times…ready for whatever life throws at them. FELIWAY Classic can help solve behavioural issues such as spraying, scratching, moving house, hiding, changes to their environment (e.g. new baby) and travelling. FELIWAY Classic 20ml Spray, comforts cats and helps solve behavioural issues and stress/anxiety in the home and on the move – 20ml FELIWAY Classic 20ml spray is the ideal support tool to use for travelling, in crates or to provide the safe and secure message in a concentrated area. The spray is effective for up to 5 hours and only requires a few sprays for an event which makes it the perfect travel companion for all cats.


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