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Maltbys’ Stores 1904 Limited Peanuts Whole 10kg Premium Safe Wild Bird Food Nuts Afflotoxin Free

Original price was: £37.44.Current price is: £31.20.

  • Maltbys?? Stores 1904 Limited Premium Peanuts are a high energy wild bird food beloved of garden birds. We select only the best, top quality peanuts and, safety being our priority, reject any with detectable aflatoxin. Aflatoxin, sometimes found in poorer quality peanuts can build up in birds bodies, eventually leading to death.
  • Most garden birds will eat many different foods, peanuts being a traditional favourite. Blue tit, Coal tit, Great tit,Long-tailed tit and Siskins are birds that particularly enjoy this food, though other species may also enjoy it too:
  • At Maltbys?? Stores 1904 Limited we specialise in wild bird foods and supplies. We pride ourselves on selling top quality products all year round. Please search for Maltbys?? Stores 1904 Limited to see the rest of our extensive range.
  • As one of the biggest sellers in the British wild bird food market we on average get a fresh delivery every 3 weeks on all our best selling lines. So you are always buying off us the freshest possible products.
  • Sold by Maltbys?? Stores 1904 Limited a trusted UK BRAND serving the British wild bird, pet, garden and fishing community for over 100 years with top quality fresh products.

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SKU: QLBWV1880B Category: