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Personalised coordinates latitude and longitude keyring location keychain geographical present for man – woman 3rd anniversary gift Genuine leather

Original price was: £23.04.Current price is: £19.20.

    Genuine Leather keyring personalised keychain wedding gift Hand made from leather Laser engraved Can be personalised with coordinates latitude and longitude.

    Personalised example of how the details are engraved. Side 1: coordinates latitude and longitude Side 2: 09/09/15 or 9th September 2015 Keyring Size. Size 80mm x 17mm Ring size 28mm

    How to Get GPS Coordinates From Google Maps

    1. Open a web browser and go to the Google Maps website. …

    2. Go to a location for which you want the GPS coordinates.

    3. Right-click (or Control+click on a Mac) on the location.

    4. Select What’s here? from the menu. …

    5. Find the GPS coordinates at the bottom of the screen.

    **Thank you for looking, why not take a look at my other handmade items **

    These are hand made by me… Comes With Gift Box.

    This is for one keyring only, the front and back of the keyring are featured within the images. Should you want a matching pair you will need to increase the quantity to 2


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    SKU: ZBNDPFG70B Category: