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Supreme Science Selective Guinea Pig 1.5kg

Original price was: £7.20.Current price is: £6.00.

  • high in fibre
  • promote healthy teeth and tummies
  • added vitamin c
  • Item display weight: 0.1 grams

Selective Range

Handling your Guinea Pigs

To ensure that your Guinea Pigs become tame and affectionate it isimportant that you handle them frequently and correctly. Picking up aGuinea Pig incorrectly could lead them being permanently frightened andmay lead to them becoming aggressive.

Remember that most small animals are prey in the wild. So, ifapproached from above they??ll see a large shadow and become scared. Theymight run and hide or try to attack you.

The best way to pick up your Guinea Pig is to talk to it as youapproach ?C on the same level. Crouch and let it come to you, presentingthe back of your hand for it to sniff.

Place one hand flat in front of your Guinea Pig and with the otherhand gently scoop it towards you. Be sure to support its weight with onehand, while bringing the other over the top to make sure that if itbegins to wriggle it will not fall.

Place it on your lap or hold it to your chest and very slowly standup. Always talk to your Guinea Pig to calm and reassure it. A smalltreat will make it happy as well.


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