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Supreme Tiny Friends Farm Russel Timothy Mix 2.5kg

Original price was: £10.08.Current price is: £8.40.

  • With tasty Timothy Hay – a naturally beneficial source of fibre
  • Deliciously tempting flaked carrots and peas
  • Encourages natural foraging and is kind to teeth
  • Natural prebiotics to promote healthy tummies
  • Bursting with all the nutrients pets need

Which Rabbits are right for you?

There are a wide variety of sizes, shapes, colours and coats and therabbits you choose will be much more about the bunnies you fall in lovewith, than about which breed you select.

Did you know that rabbits like to live indoors with you? (Don??tworry; they can be trained to be clean and use a litter tray, just like acat). House Rabbits (that??s their official name), love to run aroundthe house, hiding behind furniture and playing. Be careful, though, theyalso like chewing, so watch out that your electric wiring, carpets,curtains and wallpaper are safe. Who knows, your bunny may even decidethat your favourite chair is now theirs! For this reason, house rabbitsshould be supervised when roaming free, and the space they have accessto should be made safe for them.

Rabbits should be kept in bonded, neutered pairs or groups. The mostsuccessful pairings are male and female ?C some same sex couples can alsolive together peacefully, especially when they are from the samelitter. Ideally, both or all rabbits in a bonded group should be ofsimilar size and weight. Single rabbits will benefit from the socialaspect of living inside as a house rabbit, as part of the family ?C haveyou ever known a rabbit to live in the wild on its own?!

Rabbits are crepuscular, meaning that they are most lively in themornings and evenings. They will rest for most of the afternoon, whichfor house rabbits, fits in with many working people??s lives.

Rabbits that live outside should be kept in a large secure hutch andattached run, (or suitable accommodation, like a shed with gardenaccess) enabling them to socialise and exercise when they choose. Arabbit living alone in inadequate housing will become bored, lonely andmay become aggressive.

Some rabbit breeds such as Lops, Giants and Dwarfs can be more proneto congenital health problems, such as misaligned teeth. Rabbits thatsuffer from teeth problems need regular veterinary attention, so it isworth considering this when selecting your pet rabbits. Experts advisethat by choosing pet rabbits that more closely resemble wild rabbits(with a longer nose), your pets may be more likely to enjoy a longer,happier and healthier life together.


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