Supreme Gerri Gerbil Food 850gm
£4.32 Original price was: £4.32.£3.60Current price is: £3.60.
- nutritionally complete and balanced diet
- encourages natural foraging behaviour
- zero added sugar
- enhances digestive health
- promotes dental wear
- ; Item display weight: 850.0 grams; Age range description: All Life Stages
Gerbils make great pets ?C but you??ll have to be fast to keep up with them
If they??re asleep, forget it, they don??t want to be disturbed. BUT, if they??re awake ?C it??s playtime!
Gerbils are a bit shy so they??ll need to get to know you first.Always handle them gently and don??t make any sudden movements. They??llsoon learn to trust you and then you??ll see just how friendly and nosyGerbils really are! Gerbils are very sociable animals and get lonely and unhappy if they are kept on their own.
It is extremely important that your Gerbil has the opportunity toexercise every day. Your Gerbil will love running around and playing;provide play things such as toilet roll tubes, flower pots, cardboardegg boxes and pieces of safe wood, such as hazel or apple wood, thatthey can climb on ?C and gnaw! Piles of twigs (natural wood ?C willow, beech, hazel or apple) makeplatforms for them to explore or rest under. Gerbils will chew the woodand this will help keep their teeth in trim! By hiding food and the occasional treat in cardboard toilet rolltubes, in empty yoghurt pots, or in different areas of the animal??senclosure, your Gerbil will be forced to hunt for its food ?C this willkeep it occupied for many happy hours and help prevent boredom.
Handling Your Gerbil
To ensure that your Gerbil becomes tame and affectionate it isimportant that you handle it frequently and correctly. Picking up aGerbil incorrectly could lead it being permanently frightened and maylead to it becoming aggressive. Remember that most small animals are prey in the wild. So, ifapproached from above they??ll see a large shadow and become scared. Theymight run and hide or try to attack you.
The best way to pick up your Gerbil is to talk to it as you approach ?Con the same level. Crouch and let it come to you, presenting the backof your hand for it to sniff. If your Gerbil is confident and appears interested, slowly unclenchyour fist and offer your palm. It may well crawl on to your hand or youcan gently scoop it up. Cup your Gerbil in the palms of your two hands to ensure that it issafe and won??t be dropped. Lift slowly ?C picking up too quickly would bethe equivalent of going up the Empire State Building in 3 seconds! Toensure it is safe at all times you should hold it over your lap or closeto your chest. Always talk to your Gerbil to calm and reassure it. A small treat once it is out will make it happy as well.

What to Feed Your Gerbils
Gerbils need feeding twice a day, every day (in the morning and inthe evening). A good quality, heavy, earthenware bowl keeps food dry andclean and prevents the gerbils from tipping the food. Bowls must becleaned after every use.
Gerbils have traditionally been fed on hamster mixes. However, thisis not ideal as their requirements are different and hamster mixescontain too much fat for a gerbil. To find out more about high quality,nutritionally complete Gerbil food visit out supremepetfoods website.
If you??re changing your Gerbil??s diet, it??s vital that you introducethe new food gradually. Mix about one quarter of the new food with threequarters of the old food on the first day and then gradually increasethe new food and decrease the old food over a 10-day period. This shouldmake sure that your Gerbil has no tummy upsets.
You can also feed treats from your garden such as broccoli, carrotand cucumber, but remember; too much green food can cause diarrhoea.

A nutritionally balanced, tasty mix for gerbils
At the Tiny Friends Farm in Hadleigh, Suffolk, Supreme believes thatthe very best food should be nutritious as well as ohh so delicious. Our food encourages natural foraging, and is perfect for tiny friends with big personalities.
- Encourages natural foraging
- Best ever taste ?C no added sugar
- Added linseed for healthy skin & shiny coat
- Suitable for all breeds and ages
Gerri Gerbil Tasty Mix is nutritionally balanced and suitable for gerbils ofall shapes and sizes. Delicious ingredients such as pumpkin seeds, carrot, maize, oats, wheat and peas, as well as added vitamins provide atasty everyday diet that helps promote your pet??s natural wellbeing and vitality. We??ve also added tasty linseed to help keep your pet??s skinand coat in the very best condition.

You need to provide plenty of room for your gerbil to eat, sleep andrun around. Gerbils should be kept in pairs or groups and you must makesure that there is room for all of them. They need to be kept indoors and careful thought must be given towhere your gerbils?? cage will be. The temperature in the room should beconstant, away from direct sunlight and draughts, and out of reach ofany other pets. Gerbils need good, secure, roomy housing. They can be kept in a wirecage with a plastic base or a plastic hamster home but the best optionis to construct a ??gerbilarium?? (an aquarium with a well ventilated cover). Never keep them in a wooden hutch as they will gnaw their wayout! A good cage will be two tiered and have at least two compartments ?Cone for the day and one to nest and hide in at night. Don??t forget thatif you have more than one gerbil you will need a bigger cage. They prefer to sleep separately at night, too, so need their ownnesting areas. Would you want to share your bedroom all the time? Remember that a cage can NEVER be too big ?C buy or make the largest cage you can manage. Gerbils are one of the easiest small animals to look after. Because their little bodies have adapted to having limited amounts of food and water, they waste very little body fluid, excreting only concentrated urine and dry faeces. If kept in a gerbilarium, with lots of absorbent peat and woodshavings, the animals can live in sanitary conditions for up to 3 months. It is important, however, to check DAILY for stale food, which shouldbe removed. Also check the water bottle regularly, as gerbils are prone to piling litter underneath them, which can cause them to leak.
- Every day: Remove all stale food and check water bottle.
- Once a week: Check for dirty bedding and remove.
- Every 3 months: Remove all bedding. Thoroughly sweep out all thesoiled bedding. Rinse with warm water and mild detergent and wait untildry. Spray inside of cage with safe cleaning product and wait until dry.Replace with clean bedding (check for signs of mould etc. on beddingand discard if necessary)
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