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Supreme Petfoods Science Selective Rabbit Mature 4+ Years 1.5kg

Original price was: £7.91.Current price is: £6.59.

  • high in fibre – 22%
  • zero added sugar
  • 100% vegetarian
  • helps maintain healthy skin & coat
  • no artificial colours
Selective Range

Science Selective Rabbit 4 years+

  • Suitable for all breeds aged 4 years+
  • No added sugars
  • High fibre 22%
  • With natural antioxidants & vitamin c to support immunity & vitality
  • Rich in Timothy Hay

Rabbits 4 years+ have special nutritional requirements. Selective isformulated with 22% crude fibre and balanced calcium:phosphorus so youcan be sure you are providing your rabbits with the finest nuggets thatwill help support the immune system and promote vitality. This is whyvets recommend Selective!

Supreme Science Selective 4+ is for rabbits aged 4 years and over. Itis high in fibre to promote wellbeing and vitality. With no addedsugars and the finest quality ingredients, Selective is kind to teethand means you rabbits will experience a great taste sensations andSupreme satisfaction.

Science Selective 4+ for older rabbits is recommended by vets andprovides a tasty balanced diet, formulated to support the specific needsof mature rabbits.

Science Selective 4+ has high levels of fibre (22%), to aid gutmotility and is also low in sugar and protein to help prevent obesity inless active, older rabbits. With no added sugars and high fibre, italso helps to support healthy teeth.

Helping to Support the Older Rabbit??s Immune System

Science Selective 4+ includes timothy hay and thyme to help stimulatethe older rabbit??s appetite, helping to avoid age-related reluctance tofeed. Other antioxidant ingredients, as well as linseed and Vitamin Chelp to support the immune system and a healthy skin and coat. Selective4+ should always be fed alongside freely available fresh hay and water

Feeding plants to your rabbits & guinea pigs…

…can add variety and interest to their diets. Plants can provide some essential nutrients such as fibre, protein, vitamins and minerals that are essential to the animal??s health. However, some plants can also be harmful to small animals if eaten, causing illness, distress, discomfort and potentially death. Rabbits and guinea pigs are natural herbivores and in the wild live on a variety of green plants, roots and fruits.Needless to say, they will enjoy some of these in their diet in captivity. You can become familiar with the plants that your small animal prefers and this guide will assist you in identifying plants that may be harmful to your pet, thereby avoiding potential dangers. You should be aware that small animals may not instinctively avoid poisonous plants. If you are at all unsure of identifying safe plants and weeds in your garden, do not attempt to feed your pet with them as you may inadvertently feed a poisonous plant.

What harm can plants do to small animals?

Eating poisonous plants can affect your pet in a variety of ways. Symptoms range from a stomach upset to possibly, death. Other symptoms include salivation, skin allergies and heart and breathing difficulties. Many small furries are incapable of vomiting, so harmful plants usually inducing this symptom maygo undiagnosed. They may undergo physiological stress after ingesting those which are irritating to the digestive tract. If your pet is running free, the garden can be a very dangerous place, particularly if you are not familiar with harmful plant.

Dangerous Plants

The following are plants that are harmful to small animals. If you are unsure of what any of these plants look like, pictures can be found in books from your local library, or ask for advice at your local garden centre. Amongst the most poisonous are species such as: anemone, azalea, bittersweet,bryony, caladium, cyclamen, columbine, dogmercury, figwort, deadly nightshade, woody nightshade, poppies, ragwort, buttercups,daffodils, bluebells, foxglove, hemlock, spurges, kingcup, marsh marigold,monkshood, meadow saffron, mistletoe, St.Johns wort, Leyland cypress, fools parsleyand hellebore.

Your garden may also contain cultivated plants that may cause illness such as: dahlias, lupins, chrysanthemums, delphinium, lilyof the valley, tulips, iris, morning glory, antirrhinums, lobelia, fig,Jerusalem cherry, juniper, hyacinth, privet, yew, laburnum, lordsand ladies, ivy, philodendron, rhododendron, wisteria, clematis,holly and most evergreen trees.

For a more exhaustive list or further information the RSPCA have some great content on their website, or you can always contact the experts directly vis our supremepetfoods website!


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SKU: 818RYZ700B Category: