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Supreme Petfoods Selective Naturals Fibafirst 2kg

Original price was: £15.83.Current price is: £13.19.

  • for adult rabbits
  • 30% crude fibre
  • highly palatable
  • prevents selective feeding
  • high in beneficial long fibre with added vitamins and minerals

A new world for Small Animals

Breaking the mould

Fibafirst Monoforage is a new generation of rabbit food, developedalongside veterinary experts to meet not only the nutritional needs, but also the environmental enrichment needs of your pets.

With its unique appearance and texture it looks, feels and smellsnatural to your pets and caters for their innate feeding behavior, as it??s much closer to the diet of an animal in the wild.

Nutritional Evolution

FibaFirst combines LONG CHAIN FIBRE with essential vitamins andminerals to create a unique monoforage diet that caters for naturalfeeding behaviour of rabbits.

FibaFirst is not just a new pet food, it is a NEW concept in feeding, full of top quality ingredients and made in a simple and uncomplicatedway.

  • Nutritionally balanced & complete
  • Exceptionally high fibre content ?C up to 30%
  • Unique long chain fibre structure ?C promotes chewing, dental wear and emotional enrichment
  • Highly palatable


Rabbits make great pets…

You should carefully consider their needs ?C plenty of space,exercise and companionship, as well as a good quality, high fibre dietand as much hay as they can chew!

The needs and behavior of domesticated pet rabbits are essentiallythe same as rabbits in the wild. Therefore, the way that you care for and interact with your rabbits should reflect their natural instincts asa prey species. A rabbit??s anatomy and senses are designed to constantly check for danger, and their strong hind legs allow them to run very quickly to asafe place. Rabbits should always have a covered space that they can hide in, and accommodation that is secure.

Vegetables and foods that are safe to feed to rabbits.

Rabbits will enjoy a small portion of fresh food and vegetables alongside their regular daily diet and will benefit from a small quantity of fresh fibrous leafy green vegetables every day. Here you can find out which vegetables and other foods that are safe to feed to your rabbits. No rabbits or other small pets should be offered avocado, chocolate or apple seeds. Foods to always feed to rabbits and other small pets form the basis of what should be offered, along with your pet??s normal, formulated pet food. Foods to feed occasionally to your rabbits and other small pets are treats that can form a valid part of the diet, but for various reasons this shouldn??t be every day. For example, the sugar content could be tohigh, or other things such as high levels of oxalates that can be found in spinach. It is important as a pet owner that you should always avoid feedingyour rabbits and other small pets any formulated diets that are designedfor a different species of pet. All pets must have access to clean fresh water at all times. Never feed food stuffs that appear dusty, mouldy or otherwise dirty. In most cases human grade foods are required.Here is a list of foods that are safe and unsafe to feed to your rabbits.This list is not exhausted and is intended as a guide;

  • ALWAYS ?C Hay, a portion of rabbit food, most leafy greens, fresh anddried herb mixes, dandelion leaves, carrot tops, wild plants as long ascorrectly identified.
  • SOMETIMES ?C broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, celery, carrots, green beans.
  • TREATS ?C apple (without seeds), raspberries, strawberries, cucumber.
  • NEVER ?C dairy, apple seeds, meat, chocolate, citrus fruits, avocados.


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