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Supreme Science Selective Hamster Food 350g

Original price was: £5.76.Current price is: £4.80.

  • Zero Added Sugar
  • Prevents selective feeding
  • Rich in Natural Ingredients
  • Helps maintain healthy skin & coat
  • Supports digestive health
  • NOTE : Packaging may vary
Science Selective

A nutritionally complete diet with oats and barley, formulated specifically to meet the nutritional requirements of hamsters.

This diet is recommended by vets and is highly palatable. Selective isrich in tasty wholegrain goodness. Linseed, an excellent natural sourceof Omega 3 & 6, is also added to ensure coats stay glossy and ingood condition.

But it’s what we don’t put into Selective that’s important too…

Have you checked the label on your hamster??s food lately? Take a look,because some foods contain molasses or syrup or other sugaryingredients. This extra sugar in a hamster??s diet can lead to overeatingand obesity. It can also lead to dental problems too.

Feeding Selective for the first time…

If you are feeding Selective to your hamsters for the first time,make sure you change from one food to another, gradually over 7-14 days.At first, you should mix a small amount of Selective with yourhamster??s current food, slowly decreasing the old diet, whilst graduallyincreasing the quantity of Selective. A sudden change in diet can causedigestive upsets ?C even when you are changing to a better quality diet ?Cso take care! If your hamstees are used to a sugary diet, you may find it takesthem a while to change, but persevere as it will help to benefit theirhealth in the long term. And don??t forget fresh water! Your hamsters should have an unlimited supply at all times.

Handling Your Hamster

To ensure that your hamster becomes tame and affectionate it isimportant that you handle it frequently and correctly. Picking up ahamster incorrectly could lead to your hamster being permanentlyfrightened and may lead to it becoming aggressive. Hamsters can often be a little nippy, and this is for a number of reasons:

  • Hamsters are nocturnal creatures and like to sleep for the majorityof daylight hours. A Hamster aroused from the depths of sleep tooquickly may become a little ??grouchy?? ?C just as we would under the samecircumstances.
  • They are also very small prey animals and any handling in the wildwould be due to being captured by a predator. Your hand represents alarge claw and can be threatening and stressful to the animals. Themajority of Hamsters will tolerate being handled, rather than enjoy it.
  • It is important to handle your Hamster correctly from an early age.Any rough or incorrect handling can lead to fear later on resulting inaggression ?C the animal??s response to fear.

Handling your Hamster will help build their confidence in you, andmake them more sociable. You need to ensure that they associate handlingwith something pleasurable for them. Before attempting handling, make sure that your Hamster is awake and alert. Always approach slowly and gently. Place a closed fist in front ofyour pet, and allow it to approach and sniff. Hamsters rely on olfactorycues (smell) rather than sound and, therefore, it is important so they can detect what is approaching. If your Hamster is confident and appears interested, slowly unclenchyour fist and offer your palm. It may well crawl on to your hand or youcan gently scoop it up. Cup your Hamster in the palms of your two hands to ensure that it issafe and won??t be dropped. Lift slowly ?C picking up too quickly would bethe equivalent of going up the Empire State Building in 3 seconds! Toensure it is safe at all times you should hold it over your lap or closeto your chest. Never scruff (pick up by the neck), a Hamster to pick it up, as itcan put immense pressure on the head region and could result in serious injury. If your Hamster is difficult to catch or aggressive, use a cup or mug and gently ??usher?? it in. If your Hamster is prone to nipping you can use a soft toothbrush tostroke it gently prior to handling. Initially it may bite the toothbrushbut continue stroking ?C it will soon understand that, even if it bites, the stroking will continue ?C and that it doesn??t hurt in any case. Continue with this until it no longer bites the brush and, when ready, replace the brush with your finger. This whole process may take afew weeks, but will be worth it for both of you in the end.


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